50 pounds. That's how much I have to loose to reach the goal weight the doctor set for me back in September. Of course, at the time I only needed to loose 30. I was working out and watching what I ate for a couple of weeks, but then came birthdays and holidays. In September it was pizza and cake for Ruby's first birthday. Not too bad I thought, wouldn't set me back much. Then it was tacos and cake for Julian's birthday in October- along with Halloween candy of course. In November it was pie for Kaleb's birthday (he loves pumpkin pie more than cake). And then two- yes two- Thanksgiving meals, complete with dessert. December of course was filled with Christmas cookies and egg nog, topped off by more cookies and cake on (and after) New Years Eve. When it was all said and done, I had GAINED weight. And for the first few days after I realized I had gained the extra weight, I was just depressed. Being heavy puts too much stress on my body, which makes my joints hurt and causes my fibromyalga to flare up (which makes everything hurt). The idea that I might feel this way for the rest of my life, that I might never be able to run with my kids or climb a hill with out feeling like I wanted to cry, made me want to, well, cry.
And then it happend. I woke up one morning and decided that I was not going to let this beat me. That I would not give up with out a fight. I started not only to watch what I was eating, but also how much I was having. I started to mind my calories and exercise when I could. Most importantly, I started setting smaller goals that I can use as stepping stones along the way. That may seem silly, but I know that if I get too focused on the 50 lbs, then I'll end up getting discouraged and give up. So I'm setting a goal for each month. For the first month, my goal was to cut back on sugar and junk food and start to exercise more. No weight loss goal, just improved eating and exercise habbits. I am now at the end of the first month and.....I did it. I work out at least 4 times a week here at home and have cut WAY back on sugar and junk food. As a bonus, I lost 5 lbs this past month. Just from those simple changes!
Entering month two, I have decided to get a gym membership and start to work toward a goal of 10 more pounds. But I'm not going to get upset if I don't loose 10 this month. That's just my next milestone. The trainer at the gym is going to help me develop an exercise plan that will focus on weight loss. I am aiming to go to the gym 2-3 times a week and continue to work out at home. I am still watching how much I'm eating and keeping the sugar to a minimum. Its hard, I won't lie. I love sweets. I just keep reminding myself that no sweet treat is ever going to make me feel as good as running with my kids this summer.